brain health, Uncategorized

3 Ways to Quickly Get Quiet in a Busy World

By Valerie Gettings, CISSN 3rd year naturopathic medical student, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine We live in a world where there are constant deadlines, notifications, places to be, things to get done, and the list goes on and on, or your lists have lists. But how do we take a moment and connect to our… Continue reading 3 Ways to Quickly Get Quiet in a Busy World


And We’re Off! Year 2 of Naturopathic Medical School

So we just completed the first week of our second year at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine! I am excited for this year because not only do I now know where the bathrooms are and where to throw out the trash, but also because this is a year to put everything we learned last… Continue reading And We’re Off! Year 2 of Naturopathic Medical School