brain health, Uncategorized

3 Ways to Quickly Get Quiet in a Busy World

By Valerie Gettings, CISSN 3rd year naturopathic medical student, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine We live in a world where there are constant deadlines, notifications, places to be, things to get done, and the list goes on and on, or your lists have lists. But how do we take a moment and connect to our… Continue reading 3 Ways to Quickly Get Quiet in a Busy World


Surviving the Midterm Academic Obstacle Course in ND Med School

I feel like I just competed in an Ironman crossed with a Tough Mudder of academics this week … and it’s just the first set of exams for this semester. We have just endured a week of six midterms in botanical medicine, homeopathy, anatomy, Asian medicine, biochemistry, and clinical physiology. Although I am mentally exhausted,… Continue reading Surviving the Midterm Academic Obstacle Course in ND Med School


Learning to be Great Doctors in Naturopathic Medical School

When I first saw the schedule of classes for my first semester, I was filled with excitement, joy, and … anxiety. Naturopathic medical school is not like undergrad with its five or six fairly rigorous classes. Oh, no. When I carefully looked at the schedule I was given at orientation at the beginning of last… Continue reading Learning to be Great Doctors in Naturopathic Medical School


Staying Open to the Journey in Med School

  Nervous. Anxious. Excited. Fearful. Sometimes a combination of all of these. This definitely describes my emotional whirlwind during the first week of naturopathic medical school. It seems like I have a thousand questions zipping through my mind every minute. “Will I be able to handle the course load? Does my financial aid cover my… Continue reading Staying Open to the Journey in Med School


Preparing for Naturopathic Med School

I sat on the beach in Florida last May, not sure what to do with my life. I watched the gentle crashing waves and felt the soft sand on my toes and heaviness in my heart. I was working as a traditional naturopath at six physical therapy clinics, in what I thought was my dream… Continue reading Preparing for Naturopathic Med School