
How I finally passed NPLEX 1

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” - Paulo Coelho Failure is not glamorous or something many people parade around on social media. However, failure is a beautiful component of success. It means you tried to get to the next step. I failed my Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam… Continue reading How I finally passed NPLEX 1


Naturopathic Medical Students Advocate for Patients’ Rights During DCFLI

Over 150 naturopathic doctors and students from across North America traveled to Washington, D.C. to advocate for patients’ rights and access to medication during this year’s D.C. Federal Legislative Initiative (DCFLI).

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3 Ways to Quickly Get Quiet in a Busy World

By Valerie Gettings, CISSN 3rd year naturopathic medical student, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine We live in a world where there are constant deadlines, notifications, places to be, things to get done, and the list goes on and on, or your lists have lists. But how do we take a moment and connect to our… Continue reading 3 Ways to Quickly Get Quiet in a Busy World


And We’re Off! Year 2 of Naturopathic Medical School

So we just completed the first week of our second year at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine! I am excited for this year because not only do I now know where the bathrooms are and where to throw out the trash, but also because this is a year to put everything we learned last… Continue reading And We’re Off! Year 2 of Naturopathic Medical School


Does Arnica Really Reduce Bruising After Rhinoplasty?

For my research class at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, I wanted to find out if the homeopathic remedy Arnica Montana really did work to decrease swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty (more commonly known as a nose job). I became interested in this topic because I had reconstructive rhinoplasty a few years ago and… Continue reading Does Arnica Really Reduce Bruising After Rhinoplasty?


Stress-relieving Acupuncture? Yes, Please!

Taking eleven classes a semester (yep! eleven!) in naturopathic medical school leads to a bit of stress no matter how good you are at organizing and color coding all of your notes. It’s just a lot of classes at once and a ton of information to fit into your brain. One amazing service we are… Continue reading Stress-relieving Acupuncture? Yes, Please!


My Story: Overcoming Epilepsy (Part 2)

This is the second in a two part series about my story of overcoming epilepsy. I am hoping that it sheds light on the daily struggle of those who have epilepsy, gives hope to others (and their families) that you are not alone, and is helpful in the lessons I have learned and share through… Continue reading My Story: Overcoming Epilepsy (Part 2)


My Story: Overcoming Epilepsy (Part 1)

This is part one of a two part blog about my story of overcoming epilepsy. I am hoping that it sheds light on the daily struggle of those who have epilepsy, gives hope to others (and their families) that you are not alone, and is helpful in the lessons I have learned and share through… Continue reading My Story: Overcoming Epilepsy (Part 1)


Letting Go of ‘Perfect’: Tips for Success

When I entered my first semester at naturopathic medical school, only five months ago, I wanted to do my best and get everything right. I quickly learned that with 11 classes on my plate each semester that was NOT going to be attainable. If I focused on making sure every little detail was in place,… Continue reading Letting Go of ‘Perfect’: Tips for Success


Surviving the Midterm Academic Obstacle Course in ND Med School

I feel like I just competed in an Ironman crossed with a Tough Mudder of academics this week … and it’s just the first set of exams for this semester. We have just endured a week of six midterms in botanical medicine, homeopathy, anatomy, Asian medicine, biochemistry, and clinical physiology. Although I am mentally exhausted,… Continue reading Surviving the Midterm Academic Obstacle Course in ND Med School